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For Friendly Support
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01325 776 554

For Friendly Support
& Information:
01325 776 554

For Friendly Support
& Information:
01325 776 554

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Generic Advocacy - Making Life Better

Generic Advocacy - Making Life Better

People should know and understand their rights. Generic Advocacy helps people to take action, be heard and have their say in their life.

John was frustrated that he did not have access to an electronic device he had brought into the service, as it was having securing checks completed.  As his regular advocate, he was familiar with me as I visit the service twice a week, and he asked me for some support to establish whether he would be able to use the device on the ward.

I met with the security team, who oversee the testing, and they explained the decision whether to allow the device had been referred to the MDT and they were waiting for a response.  I followed up with the ward manager.

Soon after this John was given the electronic device, and an apology that the process had been held up.  John was very appreciative of the support and the honesty of the staff that he should not have had to wait so long.

This was a really positive outcome for John and meant that his rights were being considered by those caring for him, and also that they had recognised their error and made an apology.

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